
Sunday, December 8, 2013

Keurig Coffee Maker Review

This week we review the Keurig Coffee Maker

We talked to many people about this coffee maker and even bought one ourselves and everybody is rating this coffee maker 5 out 5 stars or 4 out of 4 stars.

Our rating is 5 out of 5 stars and here is why.
Our concerns at first:  When we first saw how this thing worked we feared it would be too expensive to use the K-cups as these are needed to make coffee.   Each K-cup is like a capsule similar to cream you would get at a coffee shop where you tear open the top and pour your cream in.  However with K-cups you keep them sealed and put the k-cup in the top opening (see the chrome like silver lever above the cup in the picture) and as you set the k-cup in a needle like piece of metal pokes the k-cup from the bottom and sucks the coffee in.

Cost for K-cups:  For example a box of 35 K-cups is about $23.00 so that's not too bad.  That comes out to less than a dollar for a cup of coffee and if you get them at the big box stores such as costco or sams club etc.. the price is even less.  You can also find great deals on ebay with free shipping.

You will have to add cream to MOST of the cups you make as only coffee comes out of the machine..However we found one flavor (and I am sure there are more like this) called CAFE CARAMEL that has the cream built into the k-cup!!  So you don't even need any cream.   For those of you that work at an office without a refrigerator this is very good news for you.  No need to add yucky powdered cream or cream that you have to put on ice.   The Cafe-Caramel k-cups comes with it already inside and you'll get a nice cup of coffee with cream in it.

Also there is a K-cup device that is RE-USABLE!!  That means you can put any kind of coffee in it and use it over and over again so there is no need to buy k-cups.  However since the cost of each cup of coffee is so cheap and the quality is so high we think you are going to like K-cups and they come in so many wonderful flavors!  You can even make tea and hot cocoa so this thing rocks.

We give it a strong 5 out of 5 stars.   The best price we found for the Keurig was at  We had to order it online and wait a few days for it to ship to the store but then we went and picked it up.

Get one today you won't regret it.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Body Fortress Super Advanced Whey Protein review

Pros: Tremendous amount of protein much better compared to other brands.
Price is excellent $16 approximate price at Walmart

Cons: Taste is not as tasty as other brands

Today we review Body Fortress Super Advanced Whey Protein powder mix for shakes.  Why protein shakes?  The reason many people take protein shakes is to get more protein into their body.  You notice one serving of this shake has 52grams of protein (see top of cap in picture).

For example 4 ounces of grilled chicken contains only 36 grams of protein and 4 ounces of lean ground beef only has 28 grams of protein.   So if you exercise at the gym or if you are looking to be more toned and ripped and also if you want to get rid of fat and build muscle...protein is the key to your success.

One of the things that will surprise you is the "cost" of these protein shake jugs can get pretty pricey.  We've seen some for $50 and from our research the average price is around $40.   Many of the $50 or $40 protein shakes however only have about 20-30 grams of protein.

Introducing Body Fortress Super Advanced Whey Protein
We found this protein shake all over ebay and found the best price is at Walmart.  We picked up a 1.95lb jug (31.2 oz) bucket of it and hit the gym hard.  We found this protein shake to be Very effective and it packs 52grams in just one serving!! 

Although nobody takes protein shakes for the taste it would be nice if they could make the test a bit better.  Both the chocolate and vanilla had bland taste to it with the vanilla being the worst of the 2 chocolate being a bit better tasting.  We rate this shake a 5 out of 5 stars even though the taste is not as tasty as others but since you can add some fruit or yogurt to the mix and improve taste we find taste is not a big problem here.

Very low cost:  The cost is very low usually you can find them at Walmart for about $15 so you can get 2 for the price of what you would pay for one of the other brands and the other brands have LESS protein than this one. 

Monday, July 29, 2013

Review on protein brand titled:  ON PERFORMANCE WHEY

Today we review ON Performance whey.  We rate this protein powder drink 5 out of 5 stars.  First of all we all know we don't use protein shakes for taste.  We want rock hard lean muscle.  Some of the shakes we have tried are horrible tasting and we would just grin and gulp it down.  It seemed to us that if you want to lower fat and build muscle you would have to sacrifice taste.  That is until we found ON Performance Whey protein shake.
     The taste is excellent and 3 scoops in a glass of water gives you an amazing 66 grams of protein.  If you want to be lean and ripped yet you want to bulk up it is always a challenge.  What makes it difficult to bulk up is this.  As you add more calories you gain more fat and lose that ripped effect.  As you lose fat and weight you get ripped but you lose the bulk.  The solution is a higher protein shake which doesn't have the fat that normal foods would.  This way you get all the bulk you need but with lean Whey that doesn't come from soy.  Think about it.  One glass of water with 3 scoops of On performance Whey gives you 60 grams of protein.  Most people don't even have 60 grams of this kind of lean protein per day let alone in one glass. 
    We recommend a glass of On Performance whey about an hour before work out and immediately after a work out to feed your hungry muscles.   We worked on our triceps and biceps for example and hit them hard and noticed a difference within a few days.  Larger muscles that were well fed and more definition without all the fat you get with weight gain shakes. 

Conclusion:  If you want to add bulk but stay lean and ripped looking we offer the highest rating for this great tasting yet healthy and effective protein shake.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

AB CUTS Review (Supplement to lower and eliminate ab fat and show your abs better)

This month we review Ab cuts
When it comes to abs nothing shows you are dedicated more than abs.  They say to get defined abs it's 90% diet and 10% exercise.  We tested Ab cuts and used this supplement in combination with a good diet and working out at the gym 4 days a week.  Each work out was about 20 minutes - 30 minutes long.  We also adjusted our diet to cut down on sugar and sweets and also fat.  We ate vegetables and also chicken that wasn't fried.  Coffee without cream etc..  I mean we REALLY watched our fat and sugar intake.

We hit the gym and did the ab machine that sort of looked liked this below.  You hold the handles above your head then you lean forward trying not to use your arms to pull the weight down rather your stomach.  We really felt the burn. 
We then popped 3 of the ab cuts capsules you see below.  Then after a few weeks we gauged our progress.
We saw a difference but not just a slight difference but a dramatic difference.   In the ab area it got tighter and the top abs (near our chest) showed right away within a few weeks.  After two weeks of dedication with our diet and also exercise and taking ab cuts, the abs just under our top abs started showing better.   Now at this moment you may be saying "Well even if you didn't take ab cuts with diet and exercise you would still have abs" and you may be right but it is of our opinion that it does make it easier to get abs and it speeds up the process.  Before we get into some more tips on getting rock hard abs...let's look at some of the ingredients in ab cuts below:


CLA (Conjugated Linoleic Acid)
CLA is a naturally occurring fatty acid found in meat, dairy, and safflower oil. Research suggests that when paired with a healthy diet and regular exercise program conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) may help to reduce body fat and enhance lean tissue. CLA can be used by anyone hoping to decrease body fat and/or improve their physique.*
GLA (Gamma Linolenic Acid)
GLA is derived from the seeds of the evening primrose plant oil, and/or borage oil.*
ALA (Alpha Linolenic Acid)
ALA is regularly found in Flaxseed. ALA is very beneficial Omega 3 fatty acid that provides an array of health and physique assistance. Along with physique improvement, ALA has clinical proof supporting its positive effects on Cardiovascular health.*
EPA & DHA (Fish Oil)
EPA and DHA are the two fatty acids that make fish oil so beneficial. These two fatty acids have been linked to heart benefits and even body fat reduction.* 

The ab cuts seems to claim the following:
When used in conjunction with a healthy diet and regular exercise program this product helps to support:
• Modest Reduction in Body Fat
• Overall Physique Enhancement*
• Lean Tissue Enhancement*
• Delivers Heart Healthy Omega-3's*
PEAK RESULTS: Use with Thermogenic Push (Another one of their products )(Female or Extreme)
Follow the directions below for maximum effectiveness:
Breakfast - 2-3 softgels Lunch - 2-3 softgels Dinner - 2-3 softgels


If you want to get abs the first thing you need to know is that there is a layer of fat in front of your abs.  So if you continue to eat fatty foods and you are doing sit ups and crunches you will never see your abs.  Remember that getting abs is 90% diet and 10% exercise.  The reason why many people give up on working their abs is that they work for weeks killing themselves at the gym never to see any progress.  This is why we believe a 3 step attack is the fastest and best way to gain great looking abs.  Here is the perfect plan to get abs as fast as possible below.

  1.  We do rate Ab cuts 5 out of 5 stars and do feel ab cuts is effective and does work.  We would use ab cuts in our 3 step attack on our abs.  Take ab cuts with plenty of water and take as directed.
  2. Our second mode of attack is what we eat.  Eliminate fat from your diet as much as possible.  Eliminate sugary foods and pastas and breads.  Focus on protein like grilled chicken from KFC fast food for example which is healthy and has lots of protein.  Eat cottage cheese and eggs also or buy a bucket of protein powder at your local health store or market.  Increase your protein intake.
  3. Exercise not just your abs but do cardio.  When you do cardio such as a treadmill or jogging or the stairclimber machine you eliminate fat throughout your whole body.    You'll be surprised that by doing the treadmill for example that your abs start to show better.  This is because fat is throughout your body and cardio helps to burn it even faster.

See the technique?  You don't really have to kill yourself at the gym to get great abs.  Just be patient and even if you don't see anything for a few weeks soon you will start to see progress.  Set a goal for yourself of 6 months.  You'll start seeing results in a few weeks if you follow this plan but have a long term goal of 6 months.  Believe it or not the 6 months will go fast and the results will be worth it.  Please comment on this blog post with any advice that has helped you with your abs.  Thank you for reading :-)

Friday, February 22, 2013

Hydroxycut Max! Men & Womens 5 out of 5 stars

Hyrodoxycut Max!  Men's and Women's review 5 out of 5 stars

After testing this product on both men and women (They have 2 different versions of the product both for male and female) we were impressed with how well this works.  Both male and females lost weight and we were impressed that the male went from 185lbs to 176lbs in about 3 weeks with little to moderate exercise but watching diet closely and reducing fat intake.  We can only imagine how well this product would work if someone really hit the gym hard.  For rapid weight loss we suggest using this product in conjunction with the stair climber to elevate heart rate as we all know cardio is great for fat loss.
On the bottle the directions show how powerful the product is.  You are told to take one table 2 times daily at first and then move up to 2 tablets 2 times daily later on.  The test subjects at times could feel their heart rate increase a bit so you may want to make sure you have a healthy heart before taking it.  What we liked about it is the way it gradually speeds up the metabolism as you gradually increase dosage.   We just did a search on and found the women's version of the product for $15.99 and free shipping although at stores we've seen the prices higher.  

A note about this product and it's changes:  You may recall the Government recalled Ephedra and so the makers of this product reworked the formula.  We have heard that compared to the previous formula that the product works but not as fast as before.  

How to supercharge your weight loss with this product:  If you look for our fiberwise review on this blog (see search slot type in: fiberwise) you will want to read that review and look into that product.  It is a great weight loss formula that also attacks fat but is safe to take with this product.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Incredible Quick Weight Gain shake 5000 Calories


Incredible Quick Weight Gain shake 5000 Our review  4 out of 5 stars

We tested this shake by giving it to someone who needed to gain 10 pounds.  Some people have a hard time gaining weight and this shake helps this type of body type.  One of the problems you might want to know about is that if you take this shake you will not be hungry.  So if you have the shake any time before breakfast lunch or dinner this may interfere with you getting enough of the proper nutrition as you may be full up on the shakes.  After all each serving has a whopping 5000 calories.  Some people don't even have that throughout the entire day.  But each serving will give you 5000 calories.  
     For this reason we took the shake "after" meals.  This way we get the proper nutrition from meals and then the weight gain was even faster as now you have the meals and the shake.  We suggest drinking the shake after meals for this reason.  You should see immediate weight gain no matter how hard it is for you to pack on pounds.

End result:  If you want to gain weight fast this is the product for you.  We rate it 4 out of 5 stars because it is kind of pricey at about $30 per retail but we suggest looking on or for better pricing
  • Super Charged Anabolic Formula
  • Rich Chocolate Flavor
  • Produce the greatest results in fast, rock hard, lean weight gain
  • Use for Serious Weight Gain Only 


5000 Calories per serving. Powered with OKG Chromium L-Carnitine Creatine & Vanadyl and much more! No fat. Use for Serious Weight Gain Only! Incredible Quick Weight Gain 5000 calories was scientifically designed for the average person, body builder or athlete who's tried everything to gain solid weight but could not.
For the person who wants lean hard weight gain without putting on unwanted fat, Quick Weight Gain 5000 is your answer. Incredible Quick Weight Gain 5000 contains a super charged anabolic formula that is so far advanced and hi-tech, it is impossible to compare it to any other weight gain product. It is virtually the champion of champs in producing the greatest results in rock hard, lean weight gain quick! Highlighted Facts. Incredible Quick Weight Gain 5000 calories per serving contains a mega calorie content for faster hard mass weight gain. Incredible Quick Weight Gain 5000 contains such awesome vitamins, minerals and anabolics as OKG.
» Vanadyl.
» Colostrum.
» Creatine.
» Boron.
» L-Carnitine.
» Chromium Picolinate. Incredible Quick Weight Gain 5000 contains zero fat! Incredible Quick Weight Gain 5000 contains the highest protein content of 292 grams per serving. Each serving is equivalent to 292 gram capsules or tablets of aminos. Incredible Quick Weight Gain 5000 provides the highest biological quality pharmaceutical grade proteins, non-fat milk solids and egg white (albumin). Incredible Quick Weight Gain 5000 provides a mega 46 grams of MCT's. MCT's cannot be stored as body fats and retards muscle glycogen from being used during normal activities enabling you to have more energy within muscle tissue for hard training sessions and recuperation. Natural formula. No preservatives. No artificial sweeteners.

Thinktank Technology Rechargeable Cordless Men's Electric Shaver Trimmer

  Review: 5 out of 5 stars

I saw this electric razor on ebay and so I just had to get it.  I bought it for $15 and free shipping.  It is hard to find an electric razor that is cordless and rechargeable for under $40 and so the cost of this one was amazing.  I decided to buy it to do a review on it since my old electric razor was due for a replacement.  When the razor arrived it comes with a brush and a case and a plastic cover for the razor heads.  It requires you to charge it for 12 hours before using.  
     You are then required to use it again and again until the battery is fully drained.  Then charge it once again.  Oh yeah it also comes with the charger cord.  The razor battery life will last 7 days until you need to recharge it again.  It also has a built in side burn trimmer on the back of the razor.  A simple flip of the switch will pop the side burn trimmer out.    If you look at the picture above you'll notice a plastic button by the 3 razor heads.  When you push in that button the 3 razor heads lift off seated in plastic.  You can then clean out (with the brush that comes with it) the razor.
     How does it shave:  The very first thing that surprised me as I started to shave with it is how smooth it glides across your face all the while cutting the hairs very effectively as you go.  The other razors I have tried have sharp ridges in the 3 heads so as you go to shave your hairs get stuck in there sometimes and it will pull the hairs out sometimes hurting just a bit and you can feel the friction as it doesn't glide.  But with this razor it was a pleasant experience as the razor just glides effortlessly.  Now I have tried other so called "cheap" razors and they don't even shave well if at all.  This one however amazed me.  The construction of the razor is, as expected, cheap plastic but it appears as long as you don't abuse it and drop it or throw it around it will do the job.  This razor by all appearances and experience is a diamond in the rough.  A needle in the haystack.  A wonderful find.  Which is why we rate this razor 5 out of 5 stars.

Product Review rating:  5 out of 5 stars
Where to get razor?  Ebay or Amazon








Sunday, January 6, 2013

Best Fiber supplement drink on the market?  We say yes
Review Fiberwise by Melaleuca Inc.
5 out of 5 stars

When looking for a fiber supplement we tested many brands.  The one that stood out as best is Fiberwise by Melaleuca Inc. and here is why.
We compared it to the top brands which were Metamucil and also Benefiber
Metamucil only had 2grams fiber in one serving and Benefiber did a bit better at 3grams but Fiberwise gives you 10grams.  
Also the taste was not gritty but actually very good.  This is a high quality product that was tested on actual people we know and helped them also to lose weight.  It also helps to keep you full, our test cases said.  Fiberwise also comes with:
  • Probiotic fibers
  • Probiotics
  • Aloe Vera Leaf
  • Burdock root
  • Ginger root
  • Peppermint leaf
  • Licorice root
  • Grape seed
  • Greet tea
  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamins C & E
So all in all this is an excellent product.  I personally have tried it and I feel the health benefits right away.  We believe this product may also help reduce LDL Cholesterol and it may also help sweep away toxins for a healthier digestive tract.