
Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Body Fortress Super Advanced Whey Protein review

Pros: Tremendous amount of protein much better compared to other brands.
Price is excellent $16 approximate price at Walmart

Cons: Taste is not as tasty as other brands

Today we review Body Fortress Super Advanced Whey Protein powder mix for shakes.  Why protein shakes?  The reason many people take protein shakes is to get more protein into their body.  You notice one serving of this shake has 52grams of protein (see top of cap in picture).

For example 4 ounces of grilled chicken contains only 36 grams of protein and 4 ounces of lean ground beef only has 28 grams of protein.   So if you exercise at the gym or if you are looking to be more toned and ripped and also if you want to get rid of fat and build muscle...protein is the key to your success.

One of the things that will surprise you is the "cost" of these protein shake jugs can get pretty pricey.  We've seen some for $50 and from our research the average price is around $40.   Many of the $50 or $40 protein shakes however only have about 20-30 grams of protein.

Introducing Body Fortress Super Advanced Whey Protein
We found this protein shake all over ebay and found the best price is at Walmart.  We picked up a 1.95lb jug (31.2 oz) bucket of it and hit the gym hard.  We found this protein shake to be Very effective and it packs 52grams in just one serving!! 

Although nobody takes protein shakes for the taste it would be nice if they could make the test a bit better.  Both the chocolate and vanilla had bland taste to it with the vanilla being the worst of the 2 chocolate being a bit better tasting.  We rate this shake a 5 out of 5 stars even though the taste is not as tasty as others but since you can add some fruit or yogurt to the mix and improve taste we find taste is not a big problem here.

Very low cost:  The cost is very low usually you can find them at Walmart for about $15 so you can get 2 for the price of what you would pay for one of the other brands and the other brands have LESS protein than this one.