
Monday, July 29, 2013

Review on protein brand titled:  ON PERFORMANCE WHEY

Today we review ON Performance whey.  We rate this protein powder drink 5 out of 5 stars.  First of all we all know we don't use protein shakes for taste.  We want rock hard lean muscle.  Some of the shakes we have tried are horrible tasting and we would just grin and gulp it down.  It seemed to us that if you want to lower fat and build muscle you would have to sacrifice taste.  That is until we found ON Performance Whey protein shake.
     The taste is excellent and 3 scoops in a glass of water gives you an amazing 66 grams of protein.  If you want to be lean and ripped yet you want to bulk up it is always a challenge.  What makes it difficult to bulk up is this.  As you add more calories you gain more fat and lose that ripped effect.  As you lose fat and weight you get ripped but you lose the bulk.  The solution is a higher protein shake which doesn't have the fat that normal foods would.  This way you get all the bulk you need but with lean Whey that doesn't come from soy.  Think about it.  One glass of water with 3 scoops of On performance Whey gives you 60 grams of protein.  Most people don't even have 60 grams of this kind of lean protein per day let alone in one glass. 
    We recommend a glass of On Performance whey about an hour before work out and immediately after a work out to feed your hungry muscles.   We worked on our triceps and biceps for example and hit them hard and noticed a difference within a few days.  Larger muscles that were well fed and more definition without all the fat you get with weight gain shakes. 

Conclusion:  If you want to add bulk but stay lean and ripped looking we offer the highest rating for this great tasting yet healthy and effective protein shake.